Cleaning Garage, Cheap & FREE

i really want this shit gone this weekend…especially the FREE crap. if not, its probably going to the curb monday night.

Cheap microwave carts, 3 of them. none are perfect, one is missing a wheel. all FREE

Old ass entertainment center…prob good for a garage to toss shit on. it sags a bit, and again, not perfect…which is why it is FREE

BRAND NEW NAPA commercial battery. $25

also see my garage door opener thread, as i have one of those for sale cheap as well.

where are you located? ill take the tool cart if your not to far…

^^^^i will take it if he falls thru

PM sent to yunvme666…if he falls through i will let you know

sounds good.

I’ll take the tile stuff when I grab the mower(should be tom.)

Ok D. Just lmk.

Ill take the cart . If available and the stero cabinet . pm me where and when .

yea , im heading the opposite way this weekend, itll be kinda outta my way, so you guys can fight over it now…thanks tho figured for free if i was goin by , why not …

I will take the sander and buffer… PM me

Pm sent. Bronco is next in line for cart. Rest is first come first serve.

edit, blewbyu is not coming for sander and buffer…so that and everything else is still avail.

cart and stereo cabinet are gone.

if the the traul [spellinng] comes with the grout and mortar ill take it! lol

lol, grout and mortar are gone

fuckin a! lol


Thinking of grabbing those boots

I sent FiftyCheven a PM about the buffer/polisher/boots at 3:30 and haven’t heard back yet. (and no, I don’t expect him to jump back with an immediate response haha. I’m just saying)

lol, PMs responded to.

How much for the snowblower?