Cleveland sux

free tix section 137 row 20 and we might go up to the firm’s box. having buddies who work for the rooney’s law firm is better than having season tix! i’m geeked, i haven’t been to a night game since indy on monday night a couple years ago!!! :steelers: :yum: :steelers:

i think we should have win this week. the schedule gods were nice to give us green bay and cleveland back to back while we start our third string QB. anyone heard anything new on Parker’s ankle? i heard it was mild but the writers are saying staley might start?

the browns suck, they got a lucky win last week. Batch will do just fine i think. hopefully parker is ok but if not we’re still going to be fine with duce (as long as he plays like he did last week). whats going on with the bus…any new news?

second string :slight_smile:

not even. he’s just a warm body. we have a first string quarterback (Ben), a handoff ‘specialist’ (Batch), and a benchwarmer (Maddox). Batch and Maddox both need to be let go, and we need to get a REAL QB. We can’t hand the ball off every play every time Ben is injured.


batch got 1 game since 2001… and we won… for what it’s worth, it’s a win… so lets not jump on him until he makes ridiculous plays and loses it all RE: TOMMY MADDOX