
hEre you are with the name calling again. This thread I’m posting is the “germanpsi = Travis Koch” thread.

Don’t call psi tk… He gets pissed.

By the way… The thread gets good on pg3. This was one thread I provided useful info in… Germanpsi hypes up his car then tells me that I can go fuck myself until my car rolls next to his…

I kept insults to myself and attempted a clean debate. Mk4 comes in AGAIN… Insults me, starts with me, plays favorites, calls me a troll… Then locks the thread. Typical Brett like fashion.

that’s my alltime fav thread… Thx all

The link above is also rd 1 of psi vs cliff. That’s the start of it all… You be the judge.

that he is.

it was only 24hours so you could relax. you go off on chris for whatever reason. just grow up and quit making issues man.

if the ban was beyond 24 hours its not my doing i can promise that. maybe another one of the mod’s on here adjusted it.

there are a ton of people on here i dont care for and im sure its the same way about me, but its life man, you dont have to acknowledge everyone thats on here, its simple to just ignore people. so just get on with your life and leave one another out of your posts. quite simple really. ive said the same things to chris. 2 way street of course. if he chooses to ignore my suggestion than i cant do much more to help the situation.


Yeah a mod that wasn’t you “adjusted it” from a 24hr to a permaban. Okay, sure… I’ll buy that.

You play favorites, it’s obvious… Reference the above links. You insult me, you call me a troll… Seriously, you have the inability to perform your duties as mod without playing favorites. If you can’t help that due to personal feelings with the parties involved, stay out of it. Let another mod deal with it.

why would i lie? i have no reason to. it was 24 hours. i posted a thread for the other mods to see stating the duration. and that was that. i was expecting you to come on here crying about being banned. whether you like my decision to ban you or not doesnt matter. its life deal with it. either fix your issues or dont i dont care. but im telling you right now that i didnt perma ban you. i had no reason to. i clearly stated you needed to cool off, 1 day is sufficient in most cases for that.

youre just a punk with nothing better to do than start trouble with people you clearly do not know.

srs bznz

Hahah you keep going back to a comment I made in July of 2009! Get the fuck over it!


omfg roflnuggets

Because it clearly illustrates the man love between two homosexuals.


cliff you start shit with people quite often, maybe you didnt deserve to be banned. But you have a mouth and start shit, as well as make annoying comments; usually when they’re completely un-called for. So dont act innocent. The ban was lifted and brett explained he did not perma-ban you. As he stated, why the fuck would he need to lie about it? Maybe the length of your ban was just an honest mistake. Shift is obviously the meeting place for mostly worthless shit and guys who like to argue over nothing. So i wouldnt take shit seriously, but you do seem to jump on germanpsi’s ass in those threads IMO. Hes a cool dude and is 100% fucking around on here, you would know that if you ever met him. I think thats the problem with alot of the stuff on here, most guys dont “know” the person behind their shift screen names.

Make fun of Cliff’s gf and she’ll permaban him from Shift like she did 518CS for a year.

here is what angers me a bit. “respected” members get hella pissed when someone starts something with them. “o i have alot of posts you cant do that”. then that person will go rip on a noob because his car is junk. (Take that guy with the integra you all told him you were gonna steal) It does nothing but degrade new peoples participation in this site. There are many more instances than this one where it has occurred.

Your my boy cliff. You better make edinburgh or however you spell it.

^ out of curiousity WTF did my post have ANYTHING to do with what you just said? Reason why im asking is because you quoted me.

Maybe im retarted and misunderstood your post, but IMO it has no relevance to what i said.

Cuz your getting riled up at cliff for him starting shit. Theres no need. He harmless. And MK4 is right he is a troll though unfortunately.

I still don’t really get this whole thing or whatever, now that Cliff is unbanned/permabanned I don’t really care haha