Clinton Smacks Down Fox News (For JEG)

Once again, I’m not seeing where he didn’t do everything he could to try and kill him. The objective was to capture him, and lethal force might be used if necessary. It’s not like he’s saying “If he runs away don’t shoot him b/c you can’t kill him” So I’m not really sure what you’re getting at other than spinning wording around. It’s always more valuable to capture than to kill. More to the point though the 9/11 report clearly shows a high level of attention paid to bin laden by the administration.

I’ll also note that the man wasn’t identified as “most likely being Bin Laden” until 2 days after the flight mission. After that I can’t find data that he was seen again.

I’m not entirely sure if you’re aware of this or not, but the United States can’t just fling missles at other countries w/o congress b/c we “think it might be this guy we want dead”…and since no one would support Clinton in sending in special forces he really didn’t have too many options on that video intelligence. Had the military and congress been willing to have special forces on the ground that video would have provided them with a location that they then could have acted on within hours and not requiring a rocket launch.

Even taking into account the differences in memory between clinton and bush re: their meeting together…splitting the difference on that would say that clinton mention that bin laden was a threat to bush.

Would you have rather had him killed than captured. 9/11 was going forward from that point on anyway…

Reading the entire 9/11 report it’s hard to honestly say that Clinton was weak on terror or distracted by scandal