Clinton Smacks Down Fox News (For JEG)

Read it on the weekends…read it before you goto bed. Just don’t pretend to be informed when you refuse to read a report that would actually make you informed.

As opposed to the richest bracket of people in tax cuts? I’d rather have taxes go to poor than making the rich people richer.

tax cut issue is so delicate. if you were poor, and you got more money next year due to having less tax to pay, would you spend it or save it? chances are you would save it…while the rich on the other hand save until they have extra, then they spend…well thats the theory as i understand it anyways, and i know it isnt that cut and dry.

not taxing the rich induces spending=good for the economy. which i can see as being good.

jay: for you to say what you say with such enthusiasm, then turn around and tell joe you dont have time to read viable sources of factual info, becuase you are too busy working is asinine. dont argue unless you have the facts, or at least have more of an open mind. reading the report will be the only thing that gets you caught up with joe as far as politics goes…all the kid does is watch cnbc and play online poker lol

um…poor people spend a MUCH higher level of their income than rich people do. If you give them a tax cut they’re gonna go out and buy some rims, or rent a new TV from rent-a-center, or something like that, whereas the rich just throw it on the pile in their mutual funds.

I will read it, but I still don’t see why, if Joe is so sure the report can refute the article I posted, he doesn’t just show that.

And JoeGTO, you kinda made the entirely wrong point about tax cuts. When rich people throw that money in their mutal funds, that money goes to THE ECONOMY. It drives businesses, which hire people, which in turn also drives THE ECONOMY. It does a lot more for the economy than giving it to poor people who go buy crap at Walmart, helping the Chinese become the next superpower. I’ve said this many times… I’d much rather have a well paying job than a tax cut any day. Saving a few thousand a year in taxes doesn’t really help me if instead of making 60k a year I’m making 30k. Give the tax cuts to the businesses so they can afford to do business in NY, then more people will have jobs, and eventually you can lower the personal taxes as well. Lets not forget that the horrible policies of the current administration have the market at record levels, after inheriting the start of a recession and a terrorist attack. I’m sure the turnaround wasn’t fast enough for you, but the fact remains that the turnaround did happen.

NYS, especially WNY, is a perfect example of what happens when you have high taxes that go to the poor. You drive companies out, creating more poor people, and creating more taxes to support those poor people. I amazes me that every day I see posts ripping on NYS, the model of tax and spend for the poor, by the very people who are politically against the kind of people who could actually change it. I guess that’s why NY will probably never get any better and if you’re not one of the few with a good job you should move somewhere else.

You know, I stayed out of this until late in page 2 because I knew where it would end up going. I’d waste a whole bunch of time and it’s not going to change anyone’s opinion either way.

2 reasons…#1 you’re all about learning the information yourself…#2 you can’t copy/paste from the report and I’m not retyping all that shit

I got the report, read the section you suggested, at least from the point where Clinton signed this order:

In mid-December,President Clinton signed a Memorandum
of Notification (MON) giving the CIA broader authority to use foreign
proxies to detain Bin Ladin lieutenants, without having to transfer them to U.S.
custody.The authority was to capture, not kill, though lethal force might be
used if necessary.

Up to and included the first Predator flight, including the one mentioned in the article I posted.

On September 7,the Predator flew for the first time over Afghanistan.When
Clarke saw video taken during the trial flight, he described the imagery to
Berger as “truly astonishing,” and he argued immediately for more flights seeking
to find Bin Ladin and target him for cruise missile or air attack.Even if Bin
Ladin were not found, Clarke said, Predator missions might identify additional
worthwhile targets, such as other al Qaeda leaders or stocks of chemical or biological
Clarke was not alone in his enthusiasm. He had backing from Cofer Black
and Charles Allen at the CIA.Ten out of 15 trial missions of the Predator over
Afghanistan were rated successful. On the first flight, a Predator saw a security
detail around a tall man in a white robe at Bin Ladin’s Tarnak Farms compound
outside Kandahar. After a second sighting of the “man in white” at the compound
on September 28, intelligence community analysts determined that he
was probably Bin Ladin.

No where between mid December 1999 and that predator flight does Clinton ammend his capture order to be a kill or capture order. So as I’ve been stating, the Fox journalist should have said SOMETHING when Clinton said he did everything he could to kill him.

When I have time I’ll read the rest, but I’ve read the section that deals with, and validates, the article I posted.

Once again, I’m not seeing where he didn’t do everything he could to try and kill him. The objective was to capture him, and lethal force might be used if necessary. It’s not like he’s saying “If he runs away don’t shoot him b/c you can’t kill him” So I’m not really sure what you’re getting at other than spinning wording around. It’s always more valuable to capture than to kill. More to the point though the 9/11 report clearly shows a high level of attention paid to bin laden by the administration.

I’ll also note that the man wasn’t identified as “most likely being Bin Laden” until 2 days after the flight mission. After that I can’t find data that he was seen again.

I’m not entirely sure if you’re aware of this or not, but the United States can’t just fling missles at other countries w/o congress b/c we “think it might be this guy we want dead”…and since no one would support Clinton in sending in special forces he really didn’t have too many options on that video intelligence. Had the military and congress been willing to have special forces on the ground that video would have provided them with a location that they then could have acted on within hours and not requiring a rocket launch.

Even taking into account the differences in memory between clinton and bush re: their meeting together…splitting the difference on that would say that clinton mention that bin laden was a threat to bush.

Would you have rather had him killed than captured. 9/11 was going forward from that point on anyway…

Reading the entire 9/11 report it’s hard to honestly say that Clinton was weak on terror or distracted by scandal

On a side note, can anyone get the vid to work?