Clinton Smacks Down Fox News (For JEG)

Best post so far.

If Clinton wanted to catch Bin Laden so bad then why did he endorse and sign a bill that wouldn’t let the CIA and FBI share intelligence in 1996?<scratches head>
Maybe then they could have “certified” his where abouts.


edit: Newsmax roffle at that fucking article…

Ah. Interestingly enough, it was two republicans that banned the CIA from performing assassinations of that sort. Gerald Ford after the Church Committee met in the middle of the 70s and Ronald Reagan reiterated it in his order to help facilitate cooperation between government agencies (namely the FBI with the CIA).

It wasn’t until after 9-11 that it was changed to “only in self-denfense.” Which I think is necessary. Before 9-11 and during the 90s this would have been taboo–unthinkable. Of course none of us can know if the CIA was following this order or not (it may have been just a cloak for them to hide under).

closed the box,let me try to find it…

IN 1993

Had it been true that Clinton had been distracted from the hunt for bin Laden in 1998 because of the Monica Lewinsky nonsense, why did these same people not applaud him for having bombed bin Laden’s camps in Afghanistan and Sudan on Aug. 20, of that year? For mentioning bin Laden by name as he did so?

That day, Republican Senator Grams of Minnesota invoked the movie “Wag The Dog.”

Republican Senator Coats of Indiana questioned Mr. Clinton’s judgment.

Republican Senator Ashcroft of Missouri—the future attorney general—echoed Coats.

Even Republican Senator Arlen Specter questioned the timing.*

As far as the USS Cole goes, IIRC the official report on the USS Cole was issued on January 19, 2001– roughly 27 hours before Clinton left office. (Approx 90 days after the attack)

Clinton had documented weekly meetings on Bin-laden…Bush had 1 before 9/11

Osama bin Laden had lived in Afghanistan along with other members of al-Qaeda, operating terrorist training camps in a loose alliance with the Taliban. Following the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Africa, the U.S. military launched submarine-based cruise missiles at these camps

Canisius High School alum :tup:

clinton changed the subject when he shouldve just bitch slapped the guy.

egh. I’m not even going to read the replies here…I read the interview and that’s good enough. Clinton is an amazing man and people need to start appreciating all the great things he’s doing for our world now. I hope, because of this eye-opening interview and other emerging truths, people finally start listening and realizing what’s really going on.

Ahh the prodigal sheep returns…

Very interesting. I have never been a fan of Fox News (or Faux, as I liken it) - even though I would def. tend to lean toward the Right, I think most conservatives need to take off the blinders and realize that just because someone doesn’t agree with your church-going-money-loving ideals doesn’t make us “evil” liberal left-wing birk-wearing hippy morons… Seeing Clinton stand up for himself vs that smug TV POS was actually empowering, despite the fact that I was NEVER a fan of “Billy Boy” and am still not… Do I take everything he said at face value? No. But as much as I voted for GW (not that I would again, how embarrassing) I found it no shock that his lack of preparation for 9/11 came in stark contrast to Clinton’s efforts. Bush, as much as I want to like him, comes across as a bumbling idiot… Where his predecessor seems plenty at ease when it comes to talking on the fly, Dubya can’t seem to form complete sentences, it’s truly a shame.

Politics get messy, and I try and avoid discussing them with friends since most of them just look at me like I’m ready to go steal food from the hungry, evict the poor, kick a homeless guy then drive my (beat ass) BMW to play a round of golf… (I really CAN be rather heavily Republican, lol) - but in this case it was actually kinda fun watching Bill pwn that guy :wink:

you mean left wing?


, I think most conservatives need to take off the blinders and realize that just because someone doesn’t agree with your church-going-money-loving ideals doesn’t make us “evil” liberal right-wing birk-wearing hippy morons…

wow… the ignorance is just amazing. You should keep listening to NPR :tup:


anyone else see O’reilly call Bill Mahr a biggot on foxnews yesterday? now THAT was funny

and then Boxer also bashed them for being ‘fair and balanced’

NO, you fucking moron I’m VERY Republican, voted Bush 2x, want to see Hillary DIAF etc - that doesn’t mean I can’t respect someone who is a Democrat (nevermind about as right leaning as one could get, for a Dem hence them pairing him with that tree-hugging little hippy bitch Gore to give more appeal to the left)… so thanks for the assumption, you stupid closed minded dipshit. See, this is why, as I said, I tend to avoid political discussions. I’m quite moderate, but only because I’m all over the board, I despise things like welfare, but also HATE the “Religious Right” bullshit, go figure. So yeah, think / read before you post, ass-hat. I want fellow republicans / right leaning folks to open their god-damned eyes, not just vote straight-ticket-becuase-that-is-what-grandma-did - perhaps that’s more Libertarian than Republican, but I’d also like to vote for a party/canidate that has a prayer of being elected.

sweet… not only are you ignorant and contridict yourself, but you’re also articulate

GO YOU :tup:

NO, you fucking moron I’m VERY Republican

I think most conservatives need to take off the blinders and realize that just because someone doesn’t agree with your church-going-money-loving ideals doesn’t make US “evil” liberal right-wing birk-wearing hippy morons

I think I over-estimated your intelligence… and for that, I apologize.

sweet… not only are you a douchebag but you are exemplifiying what I said about why the Republican party needs a little “shaking up” - here we are saying the same thing, but instead of going, “oh, someone else who thinks similarly to how I do” you’re arguing. You might as well tell me some long-haired white guy in a robe is “coming” here to save my soul. Oh, that’s right, Jesus (the historical character, not some Biblical BS) was an Arab…


Again you fail at the reading+comprehension part. YES, I mis-typed “right” instead of “left” in my original post (and had since corrected it, perhaps you should READ IT). The contradiction was amusing, for the few hours it was posted that way, now you’re hung up on a stupid 5am typo and it’s embarrassing you far more than me, that I can assure you.

PM replied… but just an FYI, this quote is simply pointing out that you are criticizing republicans and stereotyping them, about them stereotyping liberals… which just left me awe struck (atleast, thats how I interpreted it). No republican that I personally know, nor myself come anyhere close to that stereotype… just saying

wow… the ignorance is just amazing. You should keep listening to NPR

Love that guy. Hate fox news.

Clearly you haven’t read JEGs posts about stem cell research…

anyone else wanna see bill o’reiley show up on bill mahr one of these nights, mahr is the only person who could shut o’reiley up and u saw that in the interview last night if it was anyone else o’reiley woulda went off, but then when the next guest comes on he says he was playing with mahr lol.

Gore is a tree hugger because he is environmentally educated and sees where our species and every other species is heading in the future? Yeah, what a tree hugging dumbass.

But hey, at least you did the smart thing and voted for Bush x2.