club elite? full nude?


only good to go meet pornstars

i think they where a g string

Erotica is where its at.

fuck club elite !!!

Jared I have free passes to Christies, just outside the PA line on the turnpike!


I will back this up 100% !

Hit me up on AIM and I’ll give you some details…

ahe christies

christies iss too far away… eortica and close > *\

Filly corral is good too


christies is out on route 7? right near boardman, ohio?

correct and not far at all :boink

exit232>* & me


Good stories to tell from that place :kekegay:


i by far have the best

of course all thanks to you jeremy :beer:

& do tell us some time son!

i just bang out a chick and only have to pay for dinner :kekegay:

:rofl: its better eating at a great steakhouse with your best buddy, then getting great free sex afterwards at 232 :rofl:

( WITH A FEMALE OF COURSE ) :slight_smile:

Indeed a True story!!! :booty:

232 > anything yet in my 23 years of chaos :beer:

you think that was crazy? you should have come to the old one… massive amounts of chaos … chicks that only danced to rap switched and i made them dance to hardcore… sooo many fights that night.