Co-signer question

…except for the student loans.

yep - you can still defer even after you’ve made payments. reason: economic hardship. i think all of the educational loan places do it…

He should still be eligable for deferrment. He needs to get his shit together straight up though because it sounds like he has no drive to do anything with life.

He’s not that far in the rears so it’s not going to end the world.

Is this a FFELP loan by any chance? Or is it a Private education loan?

sounds like a private ed… fwiw

I was referring to the $11,000 on the Visa.

i would seriously put my brother in the hospital if he ever did that. ill never co sign for anyone just because u can never trust anyone. ur brother just fucked u over pretty good

Private through the college credit union.

This is true.

Pretty much. We had a good sit down today and apparently he has been looking for a job and just hasn’t gotten one since he is back in Hornell. He might be moving to Buffalo with me because he knows there are no jobs locally back home… either way yeah he still screwed me.

Now I need to have him talk to the credit union to get it deferred