dunno if this is stupid or not (loan ?)

would i be able to get someone to co-sign on a loan for me if they lived in another state? it would be a family member

i’m pretty sure you could. I don’t see why not.

what are you getting a loan for?

I’ve done it before, it takes time due to fedexing paperwork but you can do it.

My mother co-signed on a loan when I was 19 for my Firebird; she lives in Milwaukee, WI, and I was living in Rochester. There was no problems. Just be sure to keep your end of the deal… nothing more bullshit then screwing someone who co-signed your ass.

okay cool, its for a new car.

You need the application to be notarized, I did this. See my v. fucked over by my brother thread.

ahh ive read that thread, that sucks bro is that shit still going on? also what does notarized mean lol?

Notarized means a notary has to witness the co-signer sign it, and stamp a paper saying it was notarized in front of them, etc.

Or… if the bank doesn’t care, they could just fax it and have it signed and faxed back.
I guess it all depends on the bank.