COD4/steam question

i bought COD4 for PC and forgot that i only have a DVD drive on my laptop, which wont run it good at all.
my question is, if i load it on my laptop, then sign into Steam on my desktop, will i be able to download it to my desktop? im only asking because my buddy bought it through steam and best buy wont take it back.

IIRC, You can download the install package via Valve…

I don’t see why you couldn’t move that package to another PC.


Uh, it doesn’t play off the DVD drive, it installs to your HD.

good call. lol

And occupies 8gigs. yikes

don’t think that would work. When you buy through steam, at least the stuff that i have bought, you can are buying the ablity to dl that game to any pc you have. If you bought it on CD, i dont think steam will let you download their copies just because you have it on another computer

i havent used Steam in some time, but IIRC you could DL there crap anywhere… its just a matter of logging in with a good account / user name.
