Cold showers needed...

Yeah not a fucking chance this a forsale thread if you need to go jerk off look up porn and litterly go fuck youre self

yeah nobody got to see it in action as a rally car but I did down the bike path


why ya always gotta act like a dick ?jesus christ its all jokes here calm down asshole

Let me make this clear this is my buddies wife shes attempting to sell her car if youre not here for that fuck off

Second just because you met me once with travis your buddy doesnt mean you know me I dont give a fuck who you think you might be dont try to give me advice and dont bark orders

ok dick i dont care who u are either there aint one topic on this forum that stays on topic there is a few friends g/f or whatever on here and they dont have someone bodyguardin em so all in all fuck you.i never said i know you personally i dont care who u are or what your about

good then go find another thread whine about

go patrol somewheres else dickhead ,if i wanna ask to see her naked ass on the screen i will.this is a free country last i though

do you honestly think she would post naked pictures ??? umm no. It really doesnt matter what i say on here I am not body gaurding anybody she can deff handle her own I say shit just to get all the e thugs going knowing when I do go to the lot none of them will even say one word

no i dont but who cares if someone ask,s ,its a fuckin question big fuckin deal

ya sure ??? thats a bold statement to make esp when ya dont know people

a little off topic but at least its constantly bumped to the top

Dont you think its rude to type to a girl you dont know and say hey thats nice car could you send me some naked pictures

very very true

a little but i didnt so i dont care ,if someone wants of me ill show em :thumbup

Dude relax… This forum is dominated by mostly guys… perverted ones at that. The few girls that are on here most of them have b/f’s and everyone jokes about the nude pictures thing, fuck sometimes they get in on it… We don’t exspect them which is why it makes it funny…

Stop getting all bent out of shape were not being srs. Well except for maybe turbotravis :rofl

if there up im lookin ,not just him

Hahah, well fuck yeah

but no one really exspects them to really post up nudes lmao :rofl

I am not even close to being bent out of shape im sitting here with a 12 pack of bud laughing

Well your posts getting all defensive say otherwise