Colonie Central High School Car Show

:excited This.

Bogies? What?

I went 2 years ago and there was a solid amount.
We should roll over from work:number1

Sounds good… my friend Ben will be in town too. He’ll be down to go.


did someone say Cp …:excited:excited:excited:excited:excited


Should be a good tim, with a decent turn out

fuck, i want to bring my car.

Bring it !!!

I got your text when I woke up.Fuckin get that thing there !!

Fuck you Mr. Awesomesaucetriphavingmotherfucker :lol

I’;ll still be here, the turbo is too shity to risk bringing out though

:lol I can hear the “Real Men of Genius” song playing that.

last time i went was like 2 years ago…plenty of things too looks at and some cars too

ur really gay u know that

:rofl YES!

I salute you Mr. Awesomesaucetriphavingmotherfucker , Mr. Awesomesaucetriphavingmotherfucker ! You sir put the awesomness in traveling, and will try to get as much poon as possible down under. etc… someone continue…lol

I really hope this bumper is here by then if not,o well.Got the word that the tool was trying to put the valence on and made a hairline crack in the paint .So they never shipped it out until tmro morning .

:rofl +rep you silly black bastard

Haha good stuff :lmao