Colonie High School Carshow THURSDAY !

I will be deff present for this no matter who says they are in or not. Was a good turn out last year . And of course there will be CP everywhere ! FTWWWW

ill buzz through.

I may try to roll by too.

if the car is ready y not

If I feel decent about my final Friday I will be by in the VR-Slow

fuck! i have to work and ive still got another week of being 17 to enjoy the CP

The enjoyment ends when you turn 18? :wow


prolly roll through on the motorbike to check out some cars…

Wayne and I will be attending in the Supra with the top off and we will be dressed in full Pedobear suits.

Wait what.

Possibly going in M3. Don’t feel like washing the bugs and such off, so I’ll enter it like that.

i can see it now…girl walks by “wayne …miss can i see your ID” girl hands over license “ok your 18…<points would smash!” =profit

^ more like, hands over ID: Say’s 18.

Wayne: “Too OLD”



May try and swing through

i haz class…with legal girls in it, so i wont be able to make it this year.

I will be there mostly for the kiddy porn and sluts. Just lemme know if anybody needs any roofies. See yall there.

Might be in… depends if Im getting my motor in or not

Crushing up some Xanax right now. I’ll be there

I’m gonna try to come through