Come on now

WHERE THE HELL DID THE THREAD GO??? I wanna read what was said since I had to walk out the door for a half an hour with work. Damn it, this was getting good!

:rant: :rant: :rant:

i missed it, fill me in

I can’t write out 18 pages worth of stuff…sorry

hahaha…it’s in the black hole now

its moved and will never return, start it up again and the bans will be flying… keep your personal BS off the board please…

So where are these “secret” spots??? What does it take to get into them???

Don’t try any gay shit with this either cause I know how homosexual some people get on these internet boards!


If you want a similar thread just get two of the people together in a perfectly fine thread some where else and it will get fucked up again… :smiley:

hey don’t look at me…i wasn’t necessarily the perpetrator this time

Thats one :rofl:

So why is there no smack talk section or something like that? Oh that would be good.

But anyways, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I still wanna see naked pics of all the women on this site! Anyone got naked pics of women you know whether on or off the board? I rather see women people know other then women that are in the Czech republic or something!


Hmmm, ok, well since naked pics are bad idea I guess…How is everyone doing today? I am bored as hell today at work and tired of watching the draft cause of some BS pick that happened. Anyways, what is everyone else up to?

I was being entertained with taht other thread till Chad had to screw it up for everyone and start attcking people :hsugh:

must have missed that

or you mean at the beginning

Actually I was just busting his balls in general…