Come to bourben st now.

bunch of us are here for $3 1/2 burgers. Get here

Boom! Was some titty ass burgers!

Matt must love you bringing in a whole crew to cook for haha

Oh he was fuckin ecstatic LOL

We have to make it bigger next tuesday! Let’s get matt as pissed as possible, lol.

Yea lets do that

Cheesehead will love it.

Fuck yea

HAHA, im in!

Of course you are in!


In like Flynn mofo! Guy Blow get his new bike yet??

Dude, its straight nasty! Makes me want one.

too rich for my blood, let me know when the price drops to 2 dollars then ill be there.

any plans for tonight guys?? I’m prob gonna go over to rebuild my tranny now, then I’m game for doin something later

Movies then gym

what when who??

Sneak preview


International but we only have 6 tickets all of which are spoken for
