Coming Home saturday

sooo neone wanna ride to the airport with me to pick em up?

He told me his car will be there :confused

cuz im bringin it him

word. why are there so many people asking to drive it :lol as soon as I see it I’m getting in the driver seat, I miss my car!

im just a delivery driver ::slight_smile:

i say we bring brett to give him a nice welcome home ass kickin

I’m ready for brett ;D

i think we should lol be a great side at the airport

what are you gonna hug him or something

i wanna ram the electric wheelchairs into the wall back and forth upon his arrival

After we race them.


i think we should all go and cause a bunch of chaos

I don’t know if that’s a good idea. The airport is serious business. For real, they don’t mess around there.

true true :ninja

Airport = SRS BZNS

we might get arrested :umm

r u fur srs

if you play with shopping cars they cant be electric(atleast from past experience) they are slow and people care to much about them. regular shopping carts however are awsome! :banana

So what’s the deal with Saturday?