Coming Home saturday

I come home finally saturday the 22nd at 8pm, who wants to party? :banana :banana :banana

Already a thread on this, geek. :tong


Im going to cack u in the nuts for this special occasion!

Why would you want to come back here, lol. Its cold as shit out, starting to snow. Stay away, far away. :angry2





Bring freshman skanks.

you told me friday at 8:05 like 3 hrs ago :wtf


Steve… new phone. TEXT ME. lol

i just bought a new one 2 its pretty schweet

Did you get it working Steve?

working great i ran down b4 i came 2 school :banana :banana

so who is throwing a party this weekend?

theres one in my pants but u cant come

you are, we are comin to ur crib to eat all ur foodz and drink all ur buur

burr=beer= :banana

tempting, but not the crib in albany and only if you each bring 2 freshman girls for every guy.
