complete 90 parts car with 91 front end

are you willing to ship?
if so, i’ll pay for shipping!

shipping is no problem

jim do you have the canadian dtrl (clear bottem lights on bumper) even though you live in the us? if so and they arent cracked ill take em.

sry the car has the USDM black grilles

“sry the car has the USDM black grilles”

how much do u want for them? shipped to Toronto…

Hey bud. I’m interested in the hatch? How much you want for it? please email me at

or pm me… Thanks a bunch.

20 shipped to toronto

hatch sold???if not, ill take.

is the car still together? if so how much did u want for it?

hatch is not sold, it has the holes from the wing but no rust, the car is currently not together

cluster, front sidemarkers and black grilles have been sold and shipped either today or earlier in the week, thanks everyone


seat brackets are probobly gone