Computer PC

I have a computer tower for sale (EXCELLENT CONDITION)…

  • 320GB Hard Drive
  • 1GB Ram + 256MB Ram Stick
  • Windows XP
  • Pentium 4 Processor
  • Also if included I have a Keyboard, mouse and monitor to go with it… Computer is great for surfing the internet and school work…

Price $220.00

specs of… everything? mobo, processor, ram, HD…

I’ll pm you when i get home from work…

how much without the board, mouse and monitor?

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Clean/Authentic Issue) Version 2002 Serive Pack 3
Intel ® CPU 2.40GHZ
1.24 GB of Ram
LG Internal Super Multi DVD Rewriter 22x with LightScribe
320GB Wesern Digital Hard-Drive

Also I have just reformatted the computer, so no B.S/ Viruses… Only thing I would recommend is a Virus Protection Software to be installed… I’ll even throw in Windows Vista (32&64 BIT) Operating System for $40.00… any questions… i can be reached at…

and without keyboard, mouse, and monitor $150.00… This would be a GREAT Christmas Gift :slight_smile:

ill go 100$

bump… $200.00

there a wireless card in this or no?

my offer of 110 still stands for the tower.

PM sent

yes i do have a Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter that will be included with the tower…