can anyone figure out how to save the rotating WS6 from this webpage, i tried everything i know and i cant get it. thanks.
it’s a rich media function… i believe it’s an autometrix file.
basically it’s an applet for rich media on websites
<APPLET CODEBASE=“hotmedia” CODE=“hm25.class” NAME=“HotMedia” WIDTH=374 HEIGHT=160><PARAM NAME=“mvrfile” value=“data/firebird.mvr”></APPLET>
you could always save every angle of it and make a .gif
yeah, i guess i didn’t give the whole saving it explaination, basically you can get the IBM software and pull taht dude’s image from teh interweb then break it down…
or, as dude said, just make a gif
animated gif :noes:
doh…that sux. i wanted that for my sig. i guess i’ll have to maybe make my own or something
ill look for a GIF creator and make it for ya
while you are at it, make it a better looking car - make it look like a mustang or something.
that would be awesome if u could…thanks
not bad dude…thanks