computer xp pro 2.4

Bought this for my girl

P4 2.4 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, 80GB HD, DVD+RW drive, 9800 Pro graphics card, XP Pro

I’m sure joe can chime in, I paid 100$ like a week ago, looking for best offer.

it works fine, power supply fan is a little loud.

This thing was a brick shithouse for 5 years of surfing, counterstrike, and music…I never noticed the powersupply that much cause it was under the desk but I could see that…


let the bidding commence. first person with cash and an offer i like wins.

it runs fine, just a little loud while sitting on the desk, not sure how it would sound under the desk.

i can have $50 cash monday morning

I have $50 cash tonight. :slight_smile:
PM if you want to counter or what not…I’ll be out but have mobile email.