Conquest/240 Photoshoot

Just some photos from today…

Damn that is pretty clean looking. :tup:

nice pics

Thanks man. I can’t believe I got such a clean 240.

that’s a pretty good spot for pics. i’ll have to hit it up one day.

nice cars. that 240 is hella clean :tup:

pop-up headlights anyone?

you have a couple great looking cars there

nice pics…i christened that fresh pavement behind you last night lol.

Nice i cant believe you finally got a 240 Dave bout freakin time.

Nice pics

Rock anyone? lol jk

Ya my conquest finally got reliable enough to make it across the bridge…Thanks :slight_smile:

Looks good.

and ones with motors that still work taboot

Mine work perfectly fine. I just left them up for the shoot. I feel Conquests look better with them left up.

Looks good.

Good stuff!

I know, I agree it looks better too, im just saying for 2, 15 year old plus cars, that cool.

:smiley: Next year my car turns 20! I think Im gonna through a birthday party for it. At the dragstrip…LOL

why were your hoods up

nice pics! :tup:

Nice, and nice background for it.