Conversation with stacey sutter...

no thanks.

if the shift celeb’s come out im gonna lose it

I guess I should probably make this NWS

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 10:49pm
and how big is your BFs TV? i almost forgot

Stacey Sutter March 7 at 10:52pm Report
haha it isnt imaginary… but keep thinking that… I’m over this convo… I refuse to entertain you morons any longer… I actually have a life to tend to right now… unlike you guys… starting unnessicary drama for no reason. Good talk tho… & dont give Hatfield credit for that nonsense your talking… haha. wow. so immature you guys are…

Stacey Sutter March 7 at 10:54pm Report
& actually I do high intensity discharge… but thanks =)

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 11:04pm
heard hatfield hurt ya pretty good…

dont u all have cars to be racing instead, parking lots to be loitering talking about your HIDS, turbos, suspensions & lame racing cars that cant even run a 12 instead?


Is that Riccardo in that pix??? lol

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 11:04pm
heard hatfield hurt ya pretty good…

Stacey Sutter March 7 at 11:07pm Report
Hatfield didnt do shit… dont bring him into this now too…

Ban Ilya now

SRSLY. Its not like hes trying to play the nice guy to get into her pants or anything

ricardo retardo that used to have a bagged s10?

Looks like we’re gonna have an ol fashioned Russian lynchin!

Yep, talk shit about us, to try to get with her, us as in fellow forum members

Ilya sucks.

                                                                                                          Stacey Sutter March 7 at 10:42pm Report

Actually I do… & its none of your buisness you childish prick, dont u all have cars to be racing instead, parking lots to be loitering talking about your HIDS, turbos, suspensions & lame racing cars that cant even run a 12 instead?
She just won.

So ilya actually contacted her?

Apparently so, and pulled some of his superiority complex BS with her


Why in the hell would he do such a thing.

he needs to get laiddd bigggggg time

Well unless he plans on marrying her, he aint in it for the pussy.

Stop playing the good guy with skanks

We should lock him in a dumpster