Conversation with stacey sutter...

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				 					<b>Ilya ![](  </b>

				 						<b>Contributing Member</b>

this thread started at 2:09 pm…sorry, please continue to the ilya bashing im lolling hard

… see my sig

I got locked in a dumpster once, I got out.

touche :lol

haha i figured you would pick up on it…movie was on tonight, i was literally about two seconds too late from hearing that quote.

Cool man Im glad you did

I wouldnt touch that chick with a 39 and a half foot pole

Stacey Sutter March 7 at 11:27pm Report
It wasnt ILYA… just sayingggg =)


and srsly im sure you guys are just fucking around but i highly doubt ilya knows her lol

I think shift has a fuckin ghost or something



PJB has a movie?

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 11:34pm
whoever told you is prolly just trying to get in your pants

Stacey Sutter March 7 at 11:36pm Report
nope he isnt… just a good dude =)

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 11:38pm
nope, definitely trying to get his dick wet

ALSWAGGA’s lurkin!


Kramer you’re doing it wrong. You need to be breaking her down psychologically, not fluffing her sexual ego. Did you learn nothing high school?

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 11:38pm
nope, definitely trying to get his dick wet

Stacey Sutter March 7 at 11:39pm Report
fuck you all… u make me ILL

Ryan Kramer March 7 at 11:40pm
like license to ill?


Swagga and Stacey Sutter are now friends. · Comment · LikeUnlike · Add as Friend

WTF?! Stacey Sutter Haha wow…pathetic how immature people can be… I’m glad Jason & I are the topic of conversation on shift518… all you gay fag car goons can go fuck yourselves =)

43 minutes ago · Comment · Istarabadi ya babe fuck dem haters on the real note

33 minutes ago

Stacey Sutter theres 5 pages going back & fourth… Kramers a fag… posting everything I say to him. I Hate all of them! Pathetic loosers with no lives.

17 minutes ago Istarabadi kramer is a bitch fa real the kid that droped me is cool with me now so kramer can go fuck off anyone would drop if someone way bigger than you runs out of a club and pops u as hard as they can in the eye and bounce so fast that u can’t see nothing so he needs to fuck off fa real or he will get it fa real babe he is a pussy ass looser kramer ahaha he makes me laugh

14 minutes ago Sutter I hate them all babe… such classless hating scum… it’s hilarioussss they talk all this shit about you & I when they’re nothing but unnatractive losers. It’s hilariousss really it is.

11 minutes ago Istarabadi ya babe fuckin haters fa real but i am so over dis shit right now i just wanna get better fast

10 minutes ago

Stacey Sutter I hope you do hun… get better & put this all in the past :heart:

5 minutes ago

Silvia Calderon Lol good thing ididnt come out last nightl lol it looks like there was drama drama drama lol

about a minute ago


people talk like that??? post pics of your eye BRO.

These people multiply and vote in your state, by the way.