Cooled Off

I didn’t notice this guy even left. :dunno:

Sunbird = Gone in less than a week be happy bastards haha.

Yup here he comes, whitey you may not have bet correctly…

No, Actually I was just saying that my Sunbird has 3 people looking at it. I have 1 buyer who is VERY interested. But I am happy cause then I will have my integra to beat the riced out Cavy haha j/k.

Here we go again, just buying a car doesn’t mean you run 10’s :rolleyes:

And if you would have been around instead of trying to use a lady shick n your wrist, you would have seen I have started the motor work already on my car and started stockpiling shit for the build up. Unlike you I have the shit sitting at home or on order, I;m not just talking about it…

I know you said you were j/king but thats how it starts. ricer kid buys import that is popular and thinks he is the shit.

No, see this is stupid cause the j/k means Just Kidding. I’m not caring if my car is a turd or ran 4’s in the quarter. Its a new car I am excited. And I didn’t try cutting my wrist. I was stupid and everyone gets stupid sometime or another. I learned from my mistake so I can always say that. And just because you feel you need to defend your Cavalier or whatever don’t try bashing on me. I’m out enjoying the life i almost took from myself. You live, you learn, and then everything sets into place and thats where I am at in my life. And if you want to cut on me and test me its not going to work because nobody can take this smile off of my face. Not even a Cavalier with a big wing :hsdance: But see now i can make fun of YOUR wing cause I don’t have one anymore.

P.S. I have my wing for sale if you want to add on to yours haha

:owned: by the returning no0b!!! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

aww i haven’t ordered mine yet i guess i’m an internet ricer too

Yea, didn’t you know? Mr.Cavalier has the best everything. I mean he has stickers and his wasn’t rice. He has a wing but it “contours” to the body so that makes his non-rice :bluez28: . But its better then all cause he said so. So i dub sight and sound the OFFICIAL RICER now that i no longer have mine. Congratulations can’t wait to see your Cavalier in the next F&F movie buddy.

P.S. Cavalier in the dictionary means “not good” haha your car is awesome keep up the good work. God I love this site.


NoOb on a roll

Actually kurt if you really want to start another pissing mtach between me and you thats your porogative but no, you actually had shit done to your car. I’m refereing to the idiots that talk shit 24/7 but never drop a dime on anything. So NO you are not in that stance.

Cawk sucker

As for my wing it is gone also.Again if you wern’t crying for attention you would have seen this post a long time ago.

Now for the bragging about enjoying life after you tried to snuff it out. Again you didn;t try hard enough and failed at that like you probably fail at most things. Suicide isn’t hard is you really want to do it. If you fail at it you basically suck at life in general.

Here are some ideas if you need help.

Now here if you can read and comprehead here is “Cavalier” in the dictonary. I don;t see your definition anywhere…

cav·a·lier ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kv-lîr)
A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman.
A mounted soldier; a knight.
Cavalier A supporter of Charles I of England in his struggles against Parliament. Also called Royalist.

Showing arrogant or offhand disregard; dismissive: a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.
Carefree and nonchalant; jaunty.
Cavalier Of or relating to a group of 17th-century English poets associated with the court of Charles I.

[French, horseman, from Old Italian cavaliere, from Late Latin caballrius, from Latin caballus, horse.]

cava·lierly adv.

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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


\Cav`a*lier", a. Gay; easy; offhand; frank.

The plodding, persevering scupulous accuracy of the one, and the easy, cavalier, verbal fluency of the other, form a complete contrast. --Hazlitt.

  1. High-spirited. [Obs.] ``The people are naturally not valiant, and not much cavalier.‘’ --Suckling.

  2. Supercilious; haughty; disdainful; curt; brusque.

  3. Of or pertaining to the party of King Charles I. ``An old Cavalier family.‘’ --Beaconsfield.

Source: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


\Cava*lier"\ (k[a^]v[.a]*l[=e]r"), n. [F. cavalier, It. cavaliere, LL. caballarius, fr. L. caballus. See Cavalcade, and cf. Chevalier, Caballine.] 1. A military man serving on horseback; a knight.

  1. A gay, sprightly, military man; hence, a gallant.

  2. One of the court party in the time of king Charles I. as contrasted with a Roundhead or an adherent of Parliament. --Clarendon.

  3. (Fort.) A work of more than ordinary height, rising from the level ground of a bastion, etc., and overlooking surrounding parts.

Source: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


adj : given to haughty disregard of others [syn: high-handed] n 1: a gallant or courtly gentleman [syn: chevalier] 2: a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War [syn: Cavalier]

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

Cavalier, ND (city, FIPS 12940)
Location: 48.79531 N, 97.62430 W
Population (1990): 1508 (717 housing units)
Area: 1.8 sq km (land), 0.0 sq km (water)

Source: U.S. Gazetteer, U.S. Census Bureau

And again your dipshit attitude has come back in less than 6 hours. So whitey deffinatly looses his bet, and you are nothing but a typical child.

Take that links advice and go across the neck next time. Or if you want I can direct you to some autopsy case studies if you want to see some people who don’t suck at life.

Oh yeah,

PS I’m J/k

Oh yeah and I forgot you may have to read that deffinition with understanding of the english language and what words really mean in stead of their now and day slang meanings.

Give you a hit. when the work “gay” is being used its not refering to a faggot like yourself.

This thread is starting to remind me of when Bluemeanie and that girl would get into.

i win i said .3 days !!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

cookie for the winnar!

give it to me tuesday !!:gaysex: :kekegay: