Coolest car currently on Ebay...

All original…

Anyone want to go halvsies? Anyone…Bueller…Bueller?

I want it now.

lol sweet

HA, NO bids!

Joe we have a serious problem. Srsly.

I know…



What problem are we talking about here?


Yeah, I saw that. I want!

Group B > *

i got confused for a minute…

no engine under the hood, and it wasnt in the back either.

sneaky bastards, hiding it

I seriously have an unhealthy lust for this car.

You too huh.

As awesome as that car is, I’m not about to pay 30K for a car from 1984 that I won’t be able to ever get parts for.

and it is prettyhot…but hottest car on ebay? thats a stretch

werd its definately a unique little ride, le car! Who knows if the only one in buffalo will ever be roadworthy again.

^^^who has that?

:snky: :snky: :snky: :snky:

Starting bid $31500.00?:bloated:

Considering ones in similar condition sell for £20k + in Europe, that’s a steal.

Maybe someone from Europe will buy it.


werd its definately a unique little ride, le car! Who knows if the only one in buffalo will ever be roadworthy again.


hopefully but doubtful… kinda like my projects