Cops Chase Ford GT



cool vid

If the car was legit then there was no reason for him to run.


He’s lucky someone didnt panic when he went on the shoulder,but video was intense.

Is this the Rob Ferriti (sp) video?

Yea, I yank Vette’s hard btw.

Yes there is a reason for him to run because he was doing double the speed limit, getting caught = car getting towed and him getting arrested, at that point you either stop and bite the bullet, or you keep hauling ass until you get to the next exit.

I will admit I can get away with a lot of shit because daddy was a cop :lol but theres been a couple occasions where I was going faster than I should have and gunned it to the nearest exit, because even my old man couldent get me out of that one.

The cop being on your ass and flooring it is one thing, gunning it while he’s still coming out of hiding is another

ya if he is on your ass, then its not worth running, but if he is pulling out… fuck it… i did it before on the bike

If he’s on your ass its trying to evade a police officer, and really theres not getting away if hes already behind you, and your really going to be fucked.

If he’s still pulling out, and he never catches up, fair game IMO :lol

But of course you should always pull over and obey the law.

Sounds expensive lol

Everyone says they will run. That’s a really bad ticket/possible jail time if they radio up and nab you.

When he got hit with the radar it looks like he wasn’t going much faster than the rest of the traffic on the road.

well, i never run, but usually dont get pulled over anyways… i was lucky enough never to get hit while doing over 100, i was doing about 90-100 or so when a cop on the side of the road was pulling back on the highway and i just gunned it down about a mile to the next exit, and got away, idk if he was going to chase me or not but i was obv going faster than everything on the road weaving around so i peaced out

yea you just spin out into poles and cobalt ss’s and other various vehicles/objects

He was doing about 110-120

Google a Ford GT Speedo

NVM did it for you

So is doing double the speed limit which he was when he was gunned, dident have much more to loose.

You stop rather than killing other people at 140mph.

dont speed and you wont have this problem!!!

Well I will agree that pulling that stunt in as heavy of traffic as he did was stupid, and I myself would never gun thru traffic at 140mph…

Not saying at all im proud of the few times ive done it, but I wasnt about to slow down after being clocked doing over 100…

Kept going at around 120 to the next exit and got some gas