Coreys s2000 build

:rofl… looks terrible

so how are you going to be picking up this garage? sounds odd

garages sure arent as light as they say they are.

but in all seriousness, the ipad looks crooked. does it even angle towards the driver at all? it looks like it facing straight back

prolly the pics tho. tough to tell

It does look crooked in the pictures, but it all measures even

thats what i thought

not so much crooked… more stupid

with the way I have this setup I can lock and unlock the screen by just pushing down on the bottom right corner, neat little feature that happened by accident lol

will there be i pads for the passengers in the back to use?

yes…there will be i-pads AS headrests. hes in the process of glassing in some rear seats too

Are you ditching all the defrost vents and the drivers left vent too?

should totally get the ipad headrest app

figures that they have an app for that… damn

the ipad seems so far out of reach to actually use, is it really that far?

Especially ones that are secured.

I think you should make the floor see through

Keeping with the Japanese tradition, you should put a coy pond in it.


No, keeping the defrost vents and the vents that go through the a-pillars, going to run an electric heater for defrost only