Count to 100,000.




thats it, im coming up to your apt, cutting the brakes of your chair and pushing you down the GOD DAMN hill

12083 Bring food.

12084 me and johnny are coming to ass fuck you now


before you come, plz fix your post…k thanks


p.s when you get here Sean i am throwing you in a washing machine and putting it on spin dry

12087 good luck when johnny is humping your face


I feel like I have read this before.

12089 hahah as ps2ifuckmen



dont bring johnnyk in to this, hes a good dude and not gay. besideds the washing machine is only big enough for YOU

Sean i am throwing you in a washing machine and putting it on spin dry

3rd times a charm :wink:

12092 Love it.

12093 good luck with that


dont need luck, Reds gonna help me and johnnyk is gonna stand there and watch while hes laughing his ass off drinking a beer from my fridge

12095 Not sure I have chosen a side yet. there Bro.

12096 johnny will not help and red is a lover not a fighter

12097 Yeah, def a lover. Or humping robot.


never said johnny would help, said he would watch and laugh well drinking a beer from my fridge, and as for Red he will fight when it comes down to messing with the coby crew lol we dont call him crazy legs for nothing

12099 dont make me roll out with wheels