Couple pics of my new truck

it needs some spacers too

This guy ballin out of control.

Dude you love taking pics in you driveway. God forbid you actually take pics with a decent back drop :rofl

what are you trying to say about his driveway steven?

in general i dont like trucks, but these look really nice, esp in white

I like it Ry. Are the four door ones out yet? I seen pics of those and look real dope!

Thanks guys.

Benny is right, was using monster flash.

Stalls: The crewmaxes have been out, I like them but they only allow a 4.5 foot bed which is useless. Also, this is double cab. It has four doors. The back seat is really big too. I got it tinted friday, hids will be here this week. More pics with a less shitty setting.

Haha nice dood. I see. Id rather have a larger bed. Much more useful. In for some good pics.

sweet!!! you get hids for the fogs as well?

My friend got the Gearhead lights from Gearhead on his Tundra and theyre super bright.

Not yet John. Gonna see how they look. Went 5k of course.

yeah they will be bright i have the 4300’s in the fogs and lows… it def looks good!

i agree with Sean. also, everyones getting on PJB’s case about supercharging his truck and its already on ur mind. this made me lol

post vin so i can check for recalls? lol