Cowboy monkey

no additional description required.

Well I’ll be damned.

youtube blocked here…

is it a video of Zer0Daze?


i dunno his finger wasn’t up his nose

Naw Charlie Pride.



this is old, go take some pictures of your car!

had to google the name.

bad fry!

Googling is cheating. If you have to look it up you waive the right to be offended.

“I think he’s tied to that mutt…”

lol, i like that rule.

not offended, not even really surpised… i kind of assumed the Youtube was pretty much the same thing.


this thread sucks

It’s a cowboy monkey. I guarantee you haven’t seen anything cooler all day.

Longer vid…

I like the description…

“At the Rodeo they had this monkey named Whiplash…and he rode a dog and chased a sheep. it was awesome.”

yea now that the played out time attack wheels have arrived :tdown:

all though your avatar is mildly humorous