Craigslist: '73 2002 BMW - $2K - Cheek.

Sounds like an interesting/rare car:
Not actual car:

As cool as these are, I think they’re hideous.

Sometimes the hideous cars are the coolest. Haha

I still want a 2002… drool.

I’d like a 2002 M3, any of those around for $2000?


Car you posted is Inca orange, not California. If I had room I’d probably go look at it.

well ur wrong anyway^^ cause its colorado orange, not california

"1973 BMW 2002 Colorado Orange "

He said the car posted aka picture.

That’s great, you caught me. I miss-stated the color. It’s still not Inca, which is what is pictured. Dumbass.


im not the one who was wrong NOR was i defending mark for posting the wrong picture im just saying YOU were wrong. i know it doesnt happen often and when it does, ur still a taint about it.

so dont be all butt-hurt cause i proved you wrong. just take it like a man. dumbass.

p.s. on topic wish i could snag it up before i move=/


if I was mechanically inclined at all, this would be fucking awesome.