craigslist hilarity (cross posted from dubsinthebutt)

This is what happens when I can’t sleep on a monday night. Pic below.

This is great - awesome work on the photography Jason. Here’s the ad, copy/pasted. It got flagged for removal after the victims got home so I can’t provide the original, but here’s a copy/paste.

Boys, I want to be your sugar momma - w4m

I’m 41 and finishing a nasty divorce. I make my own money and I intend to spend it how I want. I keep myself in great shape. What I want is a boy toy. You take care of me, and you get to drive the Benz, live at my place, and eat at the nice restaurants. I won’t monopolize all your time - I just want the “void” in my life filled.

Attached were two generic pics of some good looking broad with the face blurred. It took well under 5 minutes to get over 20 replies. I had 100 within the hour. That’s 1 and some every minute. So basically I sent them all a basic copy/paste reply, ended up sending out 300+ emails. Took like a half an hour which seemed like forever of copy/pasting… Many people were destined to come out. The worst part, is I’d send one, and my inbox would go up by another. I knew it was gonna get gully. Some of the emails I got were hysterical…coming from everyone, including tons of people that listed where they worked and posted what I’d imagine were dick pics (no way in hell I was opening any attachments for fear of seeing the meat). I had people driving from as far as Rochester even. This was going to be epic. Here’s the generic reply I sent to all the predators:

I already like what I’m seeing. I’d like to get together and talk over some dinner. I have to be
in Amherst all day for some training, but I’ll be around looking to get dinner at around

Meet me at the Moe’s on Southwestern at 7pm. And do me a favor so I can easily recognize
you, wear a red baseball cap . No need being all formal. I’ll be the one in the snug black
skirt, heels and white top.

I attached a teaser pic of what you might be getting to play with if things go well. Have to run, hopefully see you tonight.


Attached was a pic with a bannnnngin broad, face blurred, same hair color as the other photos, laying on a bed in a thong. Not showing anything by say, FCC/TV standards, but enough to convince any man a little off his rocker that he’s in for the ride of his life. Especially the brokeasses that sit on the personals on craigslist all day.

So we roll out, and as we all know I timed it so you guys would get some entertainment out of the meat you all have at Taffys. We started eating inside at 6:30, and the hilarity was kicking off before we even ordered. There was already a few creepers postin up, no food, single solo guys, just looking entirely awkward. Handfuls of guys were walking in, recieving the generous “WELCOME TO MOES” (part of why I chose moes as well) and just TURNING AROUND and walking out. Hysterical. We had a little of everything, young, old, haggard, and even more haggard. A few gottis, a few nerds…everything. The kid sitting outside by his cavalier was killer, he waited from 6:40 all the way until 8-something. Dedicated…or dumbass?

Needless to say, I was fairly excited to come back to my computer tonight after the meet. Here’s a few quick copy/pastes - by the way I had to erase a bunch of emails since my folders were so inundated with bullshit…literally, every 30 seconds I was getting an email from one of our victims. The amount of overall response actually makes me disgusted at the human race…jesus. I do wish we got better complaints however, these are pretty weak considering the trouble these guys went through. I’d say we say between 40 and 60 guys, and that’s just who I noticed…a lot of guys replied asking where we were, and I wasn’t really familiar with piecing them together…so I’m guessing some were a little more low key about it. Heh heh.

sooo… where were you, I waited until around 9:00, did you stand me up?, or did you not recognize me? what’s the deal, you can txt or call me if you want, I would but I

don’t have yer number. If you’re still interested let me know. My number is (716)200-xxxx. Later.


why did you do that?

I had one really good one from a kid who drives a silver Ford Fusion. I must have deleted it. He claimed to work at tops gas station, and he went ON about how he saw tons of guys outside of Moes, but he CLAIMS HE SAW “Robin” DRIVING HER CAR. He also said he “wished he had checked to see if it was a Benz” - LOL. Idiot. Anyways, he gave me this long winded story about how he saw “Robin” smile at him, and he wanted to know if he “passed the test so she was all his.” He then gave me his #, and babbled on about how excited he is. HYSTERICAL…do they get any dumber? I guess this is why there’s poor people in this country! I wish I hadn’t deleted them, there was another excellent one with a guy saying how emotionally hurt he was, he didn’t think he would have to drive 90 miles to get stiffed. HAH.

edit: here it is:

Wow there sure was an inordinate amount of men waiting around outside of Moes this evening. The one by the column trying to choke down his first cigarette and look badass was my favorite. Sorry I couldn’t stick around but I figured you probably weren’t getting out of your vehicle without being mauled by a pack of crazed fools. But tell me were you the beautiful one smiling at me when you were driving by, did I pass your test? I hope so, only wish I checked if it were a Benz or not. Maybe I’m wrong and just missed walking past a couple of douche bags at the entrance at meeting my queen. It didn’t seem to be a coincidence though. I’m still hoping to get together sometime for anything you would like. Hopefully you will still be interested. Just in case you forgot which one I am there is a picture attached.

xoxo Scott

P.S. I’ll be working the gas station in the same parking lot tomorrow from 6 am to 11 30 if you would like another look. And don’t be shy if the silver ford fusion is parked by the air pump that’s me there. Feel free to give me a call xxx-xxxx

I think I covered it all. There was some kid I’ve seen hang out around cars before, drives an E30 or mayyyybe an E36, name is Greg according to his email. Mad funny, he sent pics and asked some hilariously poorly worded question about condoms. Here, his email started with “beamerguy325”

just so i come prepared, should i bring condoms? i would rather bring them and not use them then need them and not have any

heeeeheeee…if he reads this he’s going to be livid. i love it.

anyways, I’m still getting an email pretty much every 5 mins about some guy apologizing about not checking his email…annoying as fuck. I’m an asshole, but it was worth it (not that I used my real email anyways).

Photo thanks to Bracketracer:


  1. We post a ridiculous craigslist ad
  2. Invite 300 people to Moes across from DITB meat, tell them to wear red hats
  3. Profit.

I see no red hats in the photo :gotme:

A lot of the guys didn’t wear one because they didn’t feel comfortable. Instead they just stood outside of their cars. All of those guys waited a minimum of 20 minutes. The one guy in the far right was like “IM WEARING MY RED HELMET” i specifically remember him, his name was “ernie” lmao

Noble effort but really if there were 50 guys in the pic wearing red hats…even better.

I agree! It was still epic seeing a ton of guys sweeping the place, and realizing they’ve been had. Next time! hahaha


Epic concept. Should have been filmed.

Or…you should have monitored the creepers and had some cheep ass red hats and put them on the antenna of their car for their “Gotcha!” look when they returned dejected to their car.

Meh, ah…

You should have seen these winners. Shit was tooooo funny. There was at least 10 people in cars/outside cars waiting, the tables were taken by single guys (one guy was sitting there pounding beers after about 30 mins…he made it a full hour of waiting), and there were lurkers driving by slow and just looking for the girl. I can’t describe to you how hilarious this was.

Sounds funny and I am all about it but you are the one that ruins it for these perverts, does that sits well with you? What if some how they caught you and raped you in the free candy E150? You wouldn’t be laughing then.


haha, NICE.

This is from the archives, so old.

get original jason :stuck_out_tongue:

wheres moes on SW?

lol im hungry now

In the plaza with tops,lowes and taffys

Hahaha, brilliant.

You guys are douchebags, i stood there in a red hat for hours.


hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa butch
