Crazy sick boosted maxima...

seriously, if you have some time, read through this… it is worth it.


Darkstars dream

thats crazy no need for a heater lol

I don’t know about you but what makes me worried about the turbos in the pasenger seat, is that he set his car on fire while putting in new injectors. It brings doubt to his ability as a engineer, esp a safe one…
I have to give MaximaDrvr credit though for $1300 he is famous among car communities

no that wasnt what caught it on fire, it was when he took the plugs out and turned it over it doused the car with gas then a small spark ignited it

Close enough, he set his car on fire. In the driveway.

:rofl: :rofl:

what part of that car is crazy sick? crazy yes…sick…no

did you mis teh funnay? :frowning:

must have, sorry my fault

…wooow… well first of all it looks like shit but who knows it might run sweet…maybe… :-/