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your a retard

youre and idiot

Youre both retarded idiots. Im not giving stuff away. You would probably want me to pay you for taking something I was giving away anyway.

if it’s $5 who gives a shit

Stop wanting something for nothing.

wat? i’m just trying to help you out. if you really want something out of your way then just give it away, especially if it’s some weird obscure junk like these creepers

Im not that desparate to get rid of them. Besides Ive already got people that expressed interest but nothing is final until the cash is in my hands.

I didnt think they were weird obscure junk.

okay maybe they arent junk but they are certainly weird and obscure

Youve never seen anybody use a creeper? Seriously? You act like these things are from another planet.

creepers are stupid in my book but whatever. maybe i’m just too young to want/need one :lol

you obviously dont work on your car that much then…

Nothing is more fucking annoying then being under your car and having to constantly get underneath it and get back out and having to wiggle around instead of just sliding out

PJB when can I meet up to take said creeper with tool pockets

Bingo. That is Kramer.

It has nothing to do with age, Kramer :facepalm

even a little nimble fuck such as yourself can appreciate a creeper as concrete floors/and or asphalt driveways are not fun to wigle and try and slide around on

Creepers FTW


Yes, I know…My dad has like 4 different creepers, his 2 Snap-On ones are by far the best.

they the ones that have a dip in them and fit around your body… I love those ones so nice

leave peanut jelly butters alone. christ!

Let me know when is a good place and time for you. If I remember right youre not far away from me.