cricket phones: kx16 cell phones, charger, parts phone, extra battery

Kyocera kx16

Up for sale are 2 kyocera kx16s and a charger. The black phone works perfect. But the silver phones charge port is broke so i’m throwing it in for parts. It has a working battery so you’ll have 2 batteries. If you would want to use the silver phone you’d just have to charge the battery in the black phone.

check all the screws on these phones, they are VERY prone to unscrewing themselves and either
a. not charging
b.not staying on when closed or sat down too hard
c. both ofthe above

the first screws to go are the two bottoms ones, one on each side

it works perfect.

if you don’t sell these soon go to the cricket store and purchase a charging port…on these phones they aren’t soldered on…they are set-in-place-and-reassemble parts…either there or online…it’s an easy 5 min fix