culture clash

i figured there would be some words with nyspeeders based on the “my dick is bigger theory” but these dudes are really different, like weird as fuck, short bus riders, virgins, pussies…etc… atleast the cincy dudes were on our level in that regard. im sure i;ll get banned soon… adios muchachos

you’re still a tea bagging faggot

watch it…i’ll put my balls in ur mouth if u keep it up wiseguy.

what level is that exactly? THey are into cars and race them. Sounds pretty good to me.

Yeah seems like they have more then 5 regular racers unlike us and no faggot roll racers. They win?

They bought Pittspeed so I think they win by default. It’s now their board and rules. WTF do I know though, I was never wanted here in the first place, just ask danhr, even though I long for his love.

thats what i mean, other cars they seems really fuckin weird. you think i’m friends with most of you guys because of just cars?

ya no more of us FAggot roll racers. God forbid someone race something besides 1/8 , 1/4 mile drags. you go from 0-118? We go from 60-160+ depending on car setup.

I thought you liked those couple kids just because they drove subaru’s and you love subaru’s :slight_smile:


That’s quite an encompassing “we”. I lift weights, but you don’t hear me saying “we” bench between 150 and 600 lbs depending on body size. :smiley:

Last I checked 376 was not a race track. Roll racing is for faggots that can’t drive their car.

When we put on real races none of the roll racers show because they will get wrecked.

well said

roll racing is something to kill time

racing at the track is where it’s at

Ppl that talk shit on roll racing can’t hang, ppl that talk shit on drag can’t hang.

Its a dick contest either way

I can hold my own on the highway, I just have no desire to “hang” at 150mph on the parkway east.

Prove it, 118 isn’t enough to hang on highways.


don’t round up

what do you have that needs more than 118mph to hang that has 4 wheels?

Roll racing is a good time when you are racing with the right people. I prefer a dig but going at it with a bike on 279 was definitely an adrenaline rush.