culture clash

Who are you ?

I am actually astounded that it’s now 4 pages of arguing about nothing, ghey…even for ptspd. Take that shit to the track and settle it, you can’t argue with raw time.

Quik, I’ve got nothing against you but I have to ask one question: When someone else on this board makes a complete fool of themselves online, why in the world do you feel the need to open your mouth and top it? Just let them be stupid and rise above it, your skills can do the talking. Every single drag related thread ends up in a verbal race to the lowest common denominator.

what is this WE shit? who the fuck are you? don’t you have a 300M ROFL?? what a fucking joke… 60-160+ LOL unreal.

I absolutely love how some folks GENERALIZE BLANKET STATEMENTS about another person.

Go back to facebook and get hardcore info

Forgive me for not buying a Bmw. A 300C was all i could afford at the time.

Family ride. You should get that srt-8

Nothing wrong with a 300 bro.

just don’t try to make it a race car.

That’s even a stupid statement for you, which is saying something. Just about everything you post is retarded on some level.

What in the hell does race weight have to do with anything?

It has everything to do with it. It evens out the playing field since not everyone is mentally disposed to try to make something really heavy go fast.

HEYYYY, whats that supposed to mean?(lol):(, just for the record i’ve been to the last few pittspeed track days, minus MIR…:slight_smile:

you are still a roll racer!

Thanks Jeff…

blow me you worthless fuck

quit fucking whining about “weight”, it’s getting old. For a long time now everytime someone says they have a fast car you chime in with the “try adding xxx amount of pounds to it and see how fast it is” BS. Quit fucking crying about it. We get it, your shit is heavy, big deal.

I would blow you but how does one go about “blowing” a vagina?

seriously your speaking to me about vehicles? when is the last time you actually vehicle that was a performance? your on a site but never owned shit. then you have the nerve to run your mouth about others but you couldnt figure out how to turn a wrench rather alone know the difference in what is crying or statements. SO go sit at yoru fucking cubical you desk jockey. when you get something or actually can do your own work then reply back, till then blow me

His SHO was pretty fast. Used to whoop my prelude’s ass back in the day.

so to hear your pain

yes, I am commenting on your vehicles.
I am an elite driver therefore every car I have is a performance car, I can make anything fast.
Yes, you do whine about weight in a lot of threads, it may be statements on your end but it comes across as whining, pussy.
Yep, I am a computer nerd desk jockey who doesn’t have a “performance car”, does that make you feel better?

I do work on my dirt bikes now, cars/trucks don’t interest me right now.

---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------

not really, it was faster by about 5 feet at 80 mph or so.

It’s the same as the typical ricer argument of horsepower per liter. Just a lame ass excuse for not being really fast I guess. They have to put a spin on it to make them feel better.

That’s what I thought. Nothing matters in a race except for a win or a loss. It doesn’t matter what the weather is, uphill or downhill, hp of either vehicle, weight of either vehicle, color of the drivers helmet, etc…