Cut Brooklyn



damn listen to his college exp. looks to me like he doesnt do a thing he major’d in. funny thats why i tech myself and learn for myself. nice documentary tho i never would of known bout him. thanks


Thats why I love doing what I do, when I am doing it. Teaching yourself how to make something without books, school, mentors, teachers, and instructions then having it work when its done is self satisfaction you cant get anyway else.

Nice short. Thanks for the link.

Dude is a badass. Great video.

So sick.

Very nice short documentary. There’s a lot of truth in his words about life, education and doing what you really want to do. Sacrifice. Life isn’t about sitting “in the box”.


Very nice and some amazing looking cutlery. His style looks almost exactly like my Dad’s old knives from his restaurants back in CT from the 50’s and 60’s.

that is fucking awesome!!!