Cyber Monday

What you buying today?

cyber? YES
buying? NO!


bath n body products :slight_smile:

a plasma tv.

another pug

hmm thanks for reminding me… I need a new LCD for my computer so thats what im gonna be hunting for

22/m/williamsville till 430 /pic/noodz :gotme: i wont tell wife

we can only make out if you rap to me

Post up if you guys find anything good. Any cyber monday sites you guys are using?

bought dvd-dl’s

supermediastore had verbatims, 25 for 30 bucks or something like that. Didnt buy them today tho.

im buying a 35r kit when i get home from work… $3400


20 percent off newegg if you use a paypal acct for payment.

They have a 500gb western digital for 94 bucks.


Make sure you read the terms at paypal. It’s 20% cash back up to $50.
So the D40 kit I just bought gets me $50 cash back, not $100.

Still a good deal though.

Got a cheap theater system for even cheaper. :tup:

And a gun in case anyone shady reads this. Howie did you make this thread purely to know who to rob?

I also got one of those hyena’s from the other thread.
