D-Sport 21st Cancelled

Just thought Id let you guys know that Dsport’s event tonight was cancelled.

Do you know if its getting rescheduled, or is that it for the year, Louren??

Looks like theyre trying to get it rescheduled for next week.

yeah, went there on a 3 hour drive to pull up to the gates and read “rainedout” that sucked big time,hopefully theres another one.

yeah and now my car is still missing!(power) what a waste of time,money,and cylinders!
at least we know how to get there in the dark!

has youre dad had a look at it yet? i cant waite for the next one though, having my car would be n ice.

no he doesnt want to look at it :smiley: he told me its time for me to figure sh*t out myself but i think he was kinda mad lastnight werent u supposed to work today?