D1 From Japan

wow those are some sweet pics , thanks!
welcome to the boards , cant wait to meet you.

welcome…enjoy the forums…the D1 pics are sick !!! thanx for sharing:R

welcome to the boards! Help me find a car!

OMG …lol you didn’t get one yet??? check trader …more then 20 240sx for sale now…:S :S


Thanks for sharing the pics.
What do you drive?


I used to drive a 350z but sold it,… I have a skyline still but want to sell it for a bike…

great pics man welcome to the boards…

konnichi wa… boku wa Anthony desu yoroshiku… anoo o namae wa?


Get another 350z:p :smiley:

so desuka ne! boku wa jamaikajin desu. anoo doko ni sunde imasuka? boku wa toronto ni sunde imasu. Ja Matta!! :smiley:

ima ha sukoshino aida dake osaka ni sunnde imasu kite 2kagetu desu.
kotoshi no natu ni Ontario ni hikkoshi shimasu. ryoushin no sumu Belleville ni nankagetu ka daigaku ga kimarumade sumutumori desu.

OSAKA!!! SUGOIIII…! chotto… my japanese isnt up to 100% like yours lol, but I finished my 2nd level this year. Osaka is where I plan to live in the futre cant wait! Nice that you’re coming to Ontairo but Belleville is sssoooooo far from us… well hope you have a safe trip here but i garantee you’ll miss japan. On another note you can teach me more japanese :R


belleville is temp as I need a place a place to crash when I come back to canada. I’ll either be living in TO or hamilton at some point.

wtf is up with all this japanese talk??

o genki desu ka?

Belleville is close to me, sort of. Good places for cruising there…

so deska… well if i had my basement finished I would have let you crashed here in T.O but eather or that sounds cool.

wtf is up with all this japanese talk??

o genki desu ka?

lol lan is that all you know in japanese? and to answer that; Genki desu!

Genki, Ill be crashing in Belleville for close to a year…Then I’ll be applying for uni and moving to wherever accepts me within Ontario.

Its good to know Belleville has some areas for cruising at least, I was worried when I heard the size of the town, what was I going to do there…

Yeah about the Japanese speaking, I guess it just kinda happened…