"Daddies Tools"

have her add some color to them…that might cover up the problems we see.

I think thats what you meant to say?

save that picture and show it to her when she is 20… in front of her boy friend… make her sign it now lol

you sure those aren’t the tools she found under mommy’s side of the bed?


They’re “Pipe cleaners”

reminds me of the Maddox Classic - “I’m better than your kids”

this is the start of an after school special right here

Show me on the doll…http://teachabodiesanatomicaldolls.com/files/product_images/lglifesizeadultdolls.jpg

^ Nice dolls… Do I sense painful memories?

you have no idea…:spank::nohomo::hitit::pedo:

It helps to talk about all those repressed emotions here…
This is NYSpeed after all

Mom’s tools she found in the nightstand?