Daknut V. Murrdogg


my point is ur not a dude YOUR A BITCH AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH. that goes for k20 aswell

Hahaha… your arguments are great.

This guys is deffinitly on his was to being the new Specialkid (Skidplate) :crackup

Ban 1

I was thinking the exact same thing
ban 2

ban 3 lol…

BAN 3 and its done

murdog no hard feeling i know u cant defend urself so a few of ur boys gotta help its cool. hey when u ban me can i get my own sticky?

I’ve never met GD3skier or 91teg… they’ve been on the forum for a long time and know what a tard is.

hey internet relationships are popular bro i understand

haha it makes me laugh at how hard you try to turn shit around on me.

So you still continue…

im still here

how am i turning around?

Nevermind Specialkid 2

Dodge spirit thread turns into a gay discussion… happens every time

I have never met Murrdog, Bought a catch can off him thats about it :lol . But like he said man its not that hard to pick people like you out.

plz explain ppl like me out?

sorry man dixnt mean to ruin shit you can split this and clean it up right?