Damn Benny...

UnderSteerN2Wall (10:55:04 AM): bring strippers to the meet.
bennyrizz (10:55:09 AM): wtf
UnderSteerN2Wall (10:55:15 AM): yes
UnderSteerN2Wall (10:55:22 AM): i’ve delegated that responsibility to you.
bennyrizz (10:56:06 AM): buhhhh
bennyrizz (10:56:12 AM): i cannot
bennyrizz (10:56:16 AM): i know literally zero strippes
bennyrizz (10:56:17 AM): rs
UnderSteerN2Wall (10:56:28 AM): call places up
bennyrizz (11:10:06 AM): lol dude there is a larger possibilty of me getting a call from google to be a new ceo
bennyrizz (11:10:21 AM): than there is of me bringing strippers to the shift518 bennyfizzle birthday chillngrill
UnderSteerN2Wall (11:11:01 AM): benny, it’s really not that hard. Shit, pay someone enough and you can even get us a lesbo show



Benny’s got this fasho. Don’t think i wont be draggin your ass to double visions now that your a man lol.

late bloomer? most males are labeled “men” at the age of 18, not 21

You and your god damn “Logic” :nono. I just dont think its official until you can say you’ve had some whores three day old ass sweat rubbed on your shirt. Of course this can be aquired by being 18, but it’s only when one is 21 that you can get buzzed and completely talk out your ass and embarass yourself… legally. Thus becoming a “man”.

I’m so ready.

I wasn’t busting your nuts for your statement, I was busting benny’s for becoming a man 3 years later than most ;D

His point is I’m not 21.

I’m 21 in July.

By your way of reasoning most people become 21 at 18?

I r confoozd

wow, I’m bored, but not bored enough to explain this shit.

haha this is one of ‘those’ conversations.


ok. we officially need a funny convo via AIM thread.

lol, i was just busting your balls cause you always seem to bring the exaggerations down to earth. I have no idea what benny was trying to say either :lol

I understood… all was well until benny chimed in

runs off chasing a moth screaming obscenities

we can put em ni that funny quotes thread.

:crackup :crackup

benny, stop stealing pics off bf.c and posting them here
