damn... pretty cool if their not bullshitting the math lol


WTF wow that thing is huge

the scroll bar doesnt even move when u scroll the page.

thats fucking huge

lol right? I gotta quit playing with stubleupon


Has a few random quotes here and there. The numbers are legit for the most part according to the page source.

…slight problem, true pixels per inch, PPI, is a factor of resolution. Unless they’re coding in some weird way that I’m not seeing, “77 pixels to the inch” is a fudged measurement.

<div id="Layer8" style="position:absolute; left:9000000000000000px; top:9000000000000000px; width:123px; height:130px; z-index:10"> 
  <div id="Layer11" style="position:absolute; width:20px; height:22px; z-index:12; left: 124px; top: 154px"><font face="Tahoma"><a name="howbig04"></a></font></div>

  <p><font face="Tahoma">
You have just traveled for 2,608,865,042 miles 

good point… it should say @ “X” resolution

it says “at 77 pixles” which means that if you are at 77 pixels per inch…the math would be accurate.

cool page :tup:

view source to read all the shit…