DANCE OFF! Tdi Logic Vs. K20power Vs. "Jeffey Gordon"

Krammer or pete can post up the story behind this but here is the vid.

what… the… fuck?


ok posting story now gimme a sec

this is at mine, pete, daves and yetti’s hotel, our room is on the first floor right next to yetti’s car. delucia is filming this from the back of nick’s 200.

everyone in the 200 (im in the red hat, sully is also in the back seat) had just gotten back from dinner at taco bell to find tdilogik, k20power, bigred testfitting bigred’s panasports on k20’s civic. they are talking with these people on the second floor who is a big “JEFFEY GORDON” fan. pete is playing him HARD, saying his uncle has a jeff gorden chevy lumina, etc etc etc. out of nowhere the dude starts dancing and k20 and tdi egg him on and the following dance contest ensues.

yetti has some segments of closeups of the individual dances in higher quality, but this video is great to show how the whole thing went down :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

Guess ya had to be there??

yeah kinda, just imagine some drunk cuban guy dancing and 1/2 of shift518 egging him on and you get the gist of it

:lol Yeah, I could get down with that lol

i have more videos one of joey dancing in the street, pete clown assin it and two of the cuban

Get them up now! My shitty iPhone vid isn’t doin it justice

hold up ill upload them

This shit was to funny. What about Kramers fordham buddy

^YES!! TOO random. he went from PISSED->HILARIOUS in about 5 seconds

shift H20 thread= here




ill post the last one of the cuban guy after it finishes, its a lot longer so itll take a min or two

Omg I almost pissed seeing petes dance again

post in the h20 advenchurz thread plz :lol


:rofl “Who’s your favorite driver?” … big pause/looks at us like we’re crazy… “JEFFEY GORDON”

what about rusty wallet? or bonte bonte

bonte bonte??? :rofl :rofl LOL