Dane Cook: Creepy guy at work V. Halo.

lol maybe he is just mad i didnt buy them for him

no it was funny how you actually bought a pair of uggz

ya because i bought them for myself. you’re right you got me. man do i love wearing them around.

see… aren’t you glad you can finally admit it :slight_smile: <3

im dancing around in them right now. yay im so happy


Louis CK, For teh phunny.

Carrot Top> Dane Cook

haha… ok now ur just being crazy

Lewis Black>dane cook

Dane Cook is funny if u like to get slapped upside the head with your funny.

Chapelle = More funnier

Richard Pryor = More funnier

Bill Cosby = More funnier

Eddie Murphy = funniest of evar

Carrot top could probably beat his ass, you see that dude’s arms? He is pretty jacked.

T to the Mother F-ing UP

The Alzheimers Starbucks thing is by far the funniest thing ever

But Black Comedians > White Comedians…Yeah I said it

Louie CK is hilarious. Actually, Dane steals a lot of shit from him.

Lil’ Jimmy Norton is hilarious

Mitch Hedberg was a funny guy

Brian Regan is one of the funniest and cleanest comics I have ever heard

And Carrot Top could kick all their asses in a fight

Eh…black guys can say pretty much anything and be funny. Even if they aren’t trying to be funny. I dunno why.

The only reason i have to say i disagree on all those except pryor and maybe cosby is because they are all pretty much done. Eddie Murphy had some of the funniest standup EVER and he just stopped, now he does crappy movies. Chapelle, well he had his show and we all know what happened there, Oprah got on his TV and hijacked his cable !! well thats the theory anyway. Richard pryor, well… he sorta wigged out on crack, lit himself on fire, got MS and died. You left out Chris Rock, John Leguizamo, and George Carlin. Theres a ton more that im forgetting too but you get the point. Old comedians> new ones.

hey i never said he was the FUNNIEST :wink:

When he described his 4 year old daughter as a “fucking asshole” i nearly pissed myself

I can’t get into Carlin. Maybe the newer stuff now that he is a pissed off old guy, but the old stuff wasn’t that great by my standards.

Chris Rock is really funny, but I saw him at UB and his new material didn’t live up to the old stuff.

Lequizamo…I dunno, maybe I just hate comedians who speak Spanish because I don’t care for him and I think Mencia sucks balls.

Pryor was a funny bastard.

Hahahaha I think he also said once that she was acting “cunty”.

Mencia is totally Lame, you can totally tell that comedy central did a big OH SHIT when chapelle went batshitcrazy and threw whatever they had on the air. Rock was definitely just alright at UB, I think it was maybe because i felt uncomfortable laughin at black jokes when i was surrounded by black folks.