Dare I say it... Annual Summer BBQ!

sounds good, lets get it rolling for the base, see what days it is open and let us know

5 times

May be able to get some sort of “catering”… meaning already prepared stuff that just need opened.

I think you can order chicken (legs, thighs) for a dollar each from Gino’s…

there can be catering the officers club has a three chefs on board but canget kinda pricey…

let me know some dates and i can check and make sure there ok

gotta act fast i have some pull since its my department that runs that area

get a menu or something

anything still going on with this?

I haven’t been to a met in years, I’d love to get involved.

we’ve never had a met

Not this meet, I mean any meet. I use to attend all of the HT meets in the area but once I sold the Civic I got away from doing that.

uhhhhh… hun? he was picking on your mispelling the word.

Oh I see, uhh ok? Guess I should start spell checking?


no… no one spells anything right on here… Chad needs to quit being a doopa…

If someone could call a place to see if they are free on a Sunday in August, then we could all bring food - less hassel and we would get this thing moving

dont its overated

So what’s going on with the BBQ? Has anyone looked into anything yet?

i called south park, the pavilion we got last year was booked, I am not familiar with the area. So I asked if any other pavilions were good, then the airforce base was suggested and supported. So I dont know whats going on.

I know North Park was brought up and rejected, but since the South Park Pavilion is booked, we may want to reconsider it. May want to consider Highland Park as well. This might be a more central location for everyone (North vs South)…Just a suggestion

Folks… School starts in 2 and a half weeks… If you’re doing something get moving.

I’m hungry!

If you are waiting for the picnic… you’ll be hungry for a long time.