Darkstar (27),

happy birthday

yeah i guess ill say happy bday also…

happy bday dickface


happy birthday

Habberday! :beer:


Happy Birthday :beer:

Happy Birthday


man, 27 years young and you all ready fulfilled your goals. gay sex phase check, mid life crisis corvette owner check, picking up younger girls via sugar daddy means check. Looks like you can take it easy until you are 50. congrats and happy birthday.


happy birthday!

Happy b-day

Happy birthday there tough guy


Getting old sucks.

Hold on one second here…“Birthday”… It was my understanding that darkstar was not born ,but in fact created in a secret government lab.

well yeah but i had to be implanted into a surrogate uterus, dumb fuck.

happy birthday :beer:

where are the birthday suit pics :x: :love:

happy birthday. :beer: